Week 1: Overview

Overview of Multilevel Models

Before starting the materials for week 1, make sure you have reviewed the syllabus.

Week Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to

  • Identify alternative names for multilevel modeling (MLM)
  • Describe the types of data MLM can handle
  • Knit a simple R Markdown file

Task List

  1. Attend the Tuesday session for course introduction and Q&A
  2. Install/Update R and RStudio on your computer
  3. Review the resources (lecture videos and slides)
  4. Complete the assigned readings
  5. Introduce yourself on the #introduction Slack channel (as part of HW 1)
  6. Attend the Thursday session and participate in the class exercise
  7. Complete Homework 1



PDF version

Check your learning
How would you describe the data structure in the video?

Check your learning
What is another name for multilevel modeling?

Another example that relates to ecological fallacies is the “happiness paradox” in economics, which says that income is related to happiness in cross-sectional analysis (i.e., between-person level) but not in a longitudinal/time series analysis (i.e., within-person level).

Check your learning
In the data structure where there are multiple measurements for the same person, which level is level 1?